A Terrific Viewpoint That Will Get You Thinking

Confidence is at the core of any successful business. Believing in yourself, in your products and your success will act as a catalyst for your growth.


As a photographer, you put forward two products: your imagery (closely tied with your skill level) and the products you sell, digital or physical prints. The better your imagery, the higher quality prints your are offering and the better the presentation of your product (branded website, CD, thumb-drive, print boxes and bags), the more clients will be attracted to your offering.

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Customer Service

Customer service includes the complete experience that your client has with you fromthe moment of the first contact to the end, including the delivery of the final product. In today's market, you need to excel in customer service in order to stay relevant.Customer service is what keeps people coming back and what fuels the strongest form of marketing, word of mouth. But we will talk about this a little bit later.


Marketing is how the world finds out about your photography business. And for most photographers, marketing is the hardest part, the part that most photographer will gladly outsource in a heart bit.

But we will share with you a few amazing photography marketing tips and facts that will help you get ahead of competition as far as marketing your photography business goes..

So, what are the types of marketing suitable for a photography business?

Word of Mouth

This is by far the strongest form of marketing for your photography businesses. The perfect customers are in your clients social circle. The perfect customers are your clients' friends and family. And the good news is that you've already built trust with them when you've built trust with your current clients. These future clients are likely to stay with you for years to come because they have close friends and relatives that do as well.

You have to exceed the expectations in order to grow your word-of-mouth marketing. You will have to provide top-notch customer service and make yourclient feel like he/she has your undivided attention at all times. Here are a few pointers:

  • communicate with clarity and in a timely manner
  • answer all inquiries and reply to all messages as soon as possible and always within 24 hours
  • alwaysover deliver, never over-promise
  • a little unexpected gesture goes a long way: deliver the images or prints a few days sooner, surprise the client withan extra gift product in their products bag, write a nice personalized thank you card
  • always listen carefully to your client. Hear them, understand them. Always ask them what are their expectations for the shoot. They may give you strong hints on what they consider to be a successful photo-shoot.

If you provide your clients with an amazing experience they are likely to tell their friend how amazing it was as they come back from the photo-shoot. They will become your strongest marketing asset.

In today's digital age, word-of-mouth knows has many shapes and forms:

  • clients sharing your photos and page on Facebook and your beautiful watermarked imagery is making rounds on social media
  • clients pin your images on Pinterest
  • clients forward your email newsletter
  • friends see those magnificent over-sized prints in your friends house
  • you ask your client to drop the final product in beautiful packaging at her/hiswork place. Nobody will wait to get home to open the packages. A lot of coworkers will see hte beautiful imagery you've created

You can't directly control word-of-mouth. But you can create an appropriate environment for growth by providing your customers not with just great products, but with a memorable experience.

Online Marketing

Your online presence (website, Facebook page, Google+ page) is your storefront. Having a cohesive branded online presence and a professional and easy to navigate website are critical to get a good first impression. You will be judged by your online storefront as much as a regular store would be judged by their storefront. You want people to see an easy to use, coherent website, looking slick and professional.

People visiting your website need to have a clear path to getting their questions answered. What questions do you think your potential customers may have?

  • Where is the portfolio?
  • What type of photography is he/she offering?
  • What are the offered products and their prices?
  • How do I contact him/her?
  • Can I book online? How?
  • Who is he/she?

Another thing to keep in mind is the prevalence of mobile users. Your website has to be "responsive" and look good on mobile.

  • avoid slideshows, especially if they require user interaction (click)
  • avoid "mouse over" actions. There is no "mouse over" on a mobile device
  • make buttons and calls to action big enough to be tapable on a mobile screen
  • avoid confusing marketing gimmicks such as calling your pricing "investment" . You are not fooling anybody. You may annoy some people or confuse others thought. Pricing is pricing, end of story.
  • optimize (compress) your images for the web so they load quickly both on desktops and mobile devices.
  • NO MUSIC! you may love that song and you may think it matches so well with the slideshow but your clients will most likely have a very different taste in music. And nothing is more annoying that browsing a website in the middle of the night and then suddenly, music starts blaring from your speakers. Now you have to deal with three screaming kids, two barking dogsan angry spouse and to be honest, a rather indifferent cat. End of sale.
  • NO FLASH. As far as online presence goes, flash is evil. Flash websites take control away from the user and are very bad from an SEO perspective.
  • people should be able to contact you from any page
  • your best work should be easily accessible from the home page

Referral Plan

People are more likely to recommend your services if they have a vested interest in doing so. This is where your referral plan comes into play. A solid referral plan will definitely increase your leads and referrals.

But is is not enough to just have a good referral plan. You have to talk about it every chance you get. Just dropping a a line on your price list is not enough. You can start talking about it as you build your relationship with your client, place a link to the referral program details in your email to your clients, remind them on the day of the shoot, drop a mini card with the details in the product bag.The more your clientshear about it, the more likely theyare to talk about it to their friends and family.

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Contributing Sources

https://lilyspeech.com - Where could I be with out you?

Posted in Business Post Date 12/09/2018






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