An Awesome How-To
So how do you accomplish this strategic objective? Simple you make your customer into a hero. Make them look incredible. Not just the company, but the actual individuals you have the relationships with.
The Company
Highlight how savvy and sophisticated the company is for using your product. Does it reflect well on them to shareholders? To the Market? To their customers? Highlight those particular things. It makes both their company and yours look great. So for instance if your product is a Big Data related tool, show how the customer company is now utilizing more data than ever before to gain more insights into their customers, which is creating more value. And they're doing it very economically. If you can make them look like pioneers, definitely do it. This has a double benefit of making them look good, but also capturing the interest of the press and creating buzz in social media channels.
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Many companies are notoriously shy in talking to the press or letting a vendor talk about them in social media. However, if you can convince such companies, particularly their corporate communications departments, that you'll be making them look good, they'll be much more flexible. See what's really important to their corporate messaging at the moment. Is there a way you can tie that in to your story about them? The odds are that it is very possible. If not immediately obvious, get creative. Or move to a higher level in the company's desired messaging.
The Individual That's Who Really Counts
Let's face it, in the end, your customer is not really just some impersonal business entity. Its the collection of relationships you have with the company. My goal, when producing customer content, is to always ensure I get some good material from the most senior advocate at the customer company. If they're very senior, like C-level, articulate, charismatic, and most importantly, like and value your product well that is just golden (see the CFO of Sonic Automotive, approx $8bn in annual revenue). And if a top exec is made to look good and feel good about a relationship, it can do wonders for you throughout their entire organization.
But then it's also very important to go a step or two down in the customer org to the owner of the relationship with your company, and capture content from that person. First, they're probably most responsible for the success with your product, second they have the most to gain or lose from success and the visibility of such around your product and thirdly they are most probably the most influential to your well-being at that customer company.
You need to be sure you make this person look like a rock star. Point out the problems they solved (incidentally using your product). Show how challenging their journey was and how impressively they overcame all obstacles in their path. Highlight how their expertise lead to success. Let them shine in the press. This will not only make them look great internally in their company, but it makes them look great externally to their industry and area of specialization. It makes them look like a credible and successful authority. And they will love you for this.
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Contributing Sources - Thank you so much for the late-night work Natalya.
Posted in Business Post Date 10/31/2018